Monday, 25 September 2017

Painting Marian Roman Legionaries

After painting a few Marian Romans I thought I write down the process to refer back to since it will probably be a while before I paint more of them.

Undercoat Black
Dry/overbrush Armour, Pilum & Sword: Boltgun Metal
Head arms Legs: Tallarn Flesh
Helmet: Boltgun Metal or Brass
Belt, Scabbard, Pilum shaft: Dark Brown
Sword Hilt scabbard edges: Brass
Tunic: Light grey or Terracotta
Sandles: Snakebite Leather
Crest: Black
Head, arms & legs: Delvan mud wash

Highlight Face: Elf Flesh
Highlight Helmet: Chainmail or Old Gold
Highlight Pilum & Sword:  Chainmail
Highlight Sword Hilt scabbard edges: Old Gold
Highlight Belt, Scabbard, Shoulder armour edges: Vermin Brown
Highlight Tunic: White or Red
Highlight Pilum shaft: Snakebite Leather

Shield: Medium Blue or Red
Wash: Blue wash or Red wash
Highlight Spine, edge Medium Blue or Red
Shield boss: Boltgun metal; highlight: Chainmail